How and Why to Implement BIMI Selectors

Using an idea borrowed from DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), BIMI supports the use of selectors, which are intended to allow a brand to easily use different logos for the same domain.  In this guide, we’ll explain BIMI selectors, discuss why a brand might want...

Update on Check Marks

The AuthIndicators Working Group is aware of recent press reports that have raised concerns regarding BIMI and newly released verification check marks that various mailbox providers are adding to their email clients in concert with display of BIMI logos.  We want to...

BIMI Rolling Out to All Apple Inboxes in Fall 2022

Authentication standard drives email ecosystem closer to a universal “no auth, no entry” philosophy SAN FRANCISCO — September 12, 2022 — Apple has joined the growing list of email technology companies implementing Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI), a...

La Poste Announces Support for BIMI

As of August 29, 2022, will begin to display Iogos identified within a BIMI record.  They will display BIMI logos accompanied by a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) issued by either DigiCert or Entrust, as well as those without one (a.k.a. a “self-asserted”...

VMCs Aren’t a Golden Ticket for BIMI Logo Display

Now that you have obtained a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) to enable BIMI logo display within major mailbox providers (e.g. Gmail and Fastmail), you may be wondering why your logo isn’t automatically being displayed in their email clients.  After all, you’ve done...

An Introduction to BIMI Selectors

When you hear the term “selectors” and you work in the email industry your mind likely drifts to thoughts about DKIM and how different records can be separated by the use of a selector for different types of messages. One selector for corporate, one for support...