You’ve gone through the BIMI Implementation Guide and everything looks good on the BIMI Inspector, and now you want to see BIMI in action.

Where should you expect your logo to appear?

Each participating mailbox provider determines where BIMI logos show up in their applications, and they can choose not to display your logo if they think your reputation is questionable or you brand doesn’t meet their requirements for participation.

Assuming that your configuration is correct and your reputation qualifies, here are examples of places the logo could be displayed. Keep in mind that each providers desktop and mobile displays will be different.

Where should it display?

Location Mailbox Provider (MBP) Webmail Mobile App
An Open Email Message (by the From Name) Apple
La Poste
Zone N/A
Inbox List (by the Subject Line) Apple
La Poste
Zone N/A

But what should it look like?

Here’s what that might look like for Google clients:

Google mobile display example of a BIMI Logo in List view
By the subject line in list view
Google mobile display example of a BIMI Logo in message view
By the From name of an open email

Here’s what that might look like for Yahoo clients:

By the subject line in list view

Beside the From name in an open email

Here’s what that might look like for Apple clients:

Mail to iCloud users on mail app

Mail to Gmail users on mail app

Here’s what that might look like for clients:

Mail to Zone users in list view

Mail to Zone usera in message view

Other mailbox providers or email clients, not shown, may have different display criteria or options. This is intended to be informational and is provided as an example of what you and your subscribers could be shown.