The logo referenced by a Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) record must be in a specific format. It’s based on the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Tiny 1.2 format specified by the W3C, with fewer allowed elements. The version supported by BIMI has been defined as SVG Tiny Portable/Secure (SVG P/S). Given that this is a new format, existing graphic creation and modification tools don’t yet support SVG P/S.
To fill the gap, the BIMI working group released a suite of graphic conversion tools. In addition to publishing executable versions of the tools, the source code for each has also been released on GitHub under an MIT free open source software license. This allows anyone to download, modify, and otherwise incorporate the functionality of the tools into other applications.
In addition to the SVG P/S specification itself, we previously published a post describing how to validate that an SVG image file adheres to the specification. That post is useful for those who are familiar with RNC XML schema validation, while this post is more useful to graphic designers unfamiliar with Python scripts and need to take an existing SVG Tiny 1.2 image and convert it into SVG P/S format.
The set of conversion tools currently includes:
- Standalone GUI Tool – Windows 10: A standalone application for Windows 10 that offers a GUI interface to convert an SVG Tiny 1.2 file into SVG P/S format.
- Standalone GUI Tool – MacOS: A standalone application for MacOS that offers a GUI interface to convert an SVG Tiny 1.2 file into SVG P/S format.
- Adobe Illustrator Export Script: A script that can be added to Adobe Illustrator (either Windows or MacOS) and offers the ability to convert an open SVG Tiny 1.2 file into SVG P/S format.
If you don’t have Adobe Illustrator, and have a logo that you’ve already exported into SVG Tiny 1.2 format, one of the standalone conversion applications will likely be the easiest to use. And if you happen to have Adobe Illustrator, you might find it useful to load up the script so that you can easily access it from the “scripts” menu.
NOTE: These applications are compiled directly from the published source but, if you
have any concerns, please download the source, inspect it, and compile your
own executable.
If you run into any difficulties while using the tools or would like to suggest additional features, please file issues within the GitHub project repository. As they were designed primarily as a way to jump-start BIMI logo support, we know that they are far from being polished. To help improve the tools, please consider joining the community to continue developing them.
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